@article{oai:sojo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001409, author = {永田, 郁}, issue = {13}, journal = {崇城大学芸術学部研究紀要}, month = {}, note = {This short essay is a document with photo-snaps when my walking through the bronze statues of Midosuji-sculpture-street and One Piece Kumamoto revival project. Continuing on from the previous issue, I would like to consider the sculptures in Japan, using Nodoka Odawara’s paper of “for the good of sculpture in Japan” in Matters of Sculpture as a clue.}, pages = {85--103}, title = {銅像を歩く。小田原のどか「この国の彫刻のために」『彫刻の問題』を歩く(つづき)}, year = {2019} }