@article{oai:sojo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001258, author = {濱田, 瞳}, issue = {10}, journal = {崇城大学芸術学部研究紀要}, month = {}, note = {In the past I had followed a course for teachers and, after visiting the Louvre Museum last year, I developed a strong interest in “learning through direct observation of works of art” because on that occasion I noticed that small children, under the guidance of the curator who was accompanying them, were observing the works on display. Last year (2015) I gave classes of “learning through direct observation of works of art” to a total of 107 students of the first year of the lower secondary school. I realized, however, that I lacked knowledge of earlier studies of art education and, in particular, I was not sufficiently informed about that form of “learning through direct observation of works of art”, therefore I reached the conclusion that I had many points to improve or rethink concerning the educational approach and the tools to be used. Therefore, in this work I will try first to explore the research carried out in the past and examine the achievements in art education (fine art). I will then try to understand which position “learning through direct observation of works of art” occupies in that context. Finally, I will try to understand the changes made so far in the contents of mandatory art education. Once I have clarified all this, I will analyze the didactic material and methods and assess my experience of “learning through direct observation of works of art” and then propose again such teaching material and methods involving the “direct observation of works of art”.}, pages = {35--71}, title = {「美術科教育」における「鑑賞学習」に関する一考察―中学校第一学年対象の教育実習の授業を通して―}, year = {2017} }